GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Scuba Diver
Open Water Diver
Advanced Open Water Diver
Master Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
Deep Primer
Navigation Primer
Rescue Primer
DPV Diver 1
Documentation Diver
Gas Blender
Cave Diver 1
Triox Cave Upgrade
Technical Diver 1
Annika Persson
Sweden, Norway
Quintana Roo, Mexico

- GUE Instructor since 2014 - 450 students in total.
- GUE diver since 2009
- Diver since 1994
- 2018 - 2020: Fjords Underwater Explorers, FUE
- 2009 - 2018: Cartographer, Petroleum Geo-Services
- 1999-2009: Senior Engineer, Norwegian Mapping Authority
- BSc (1998) Honours Physical Geography, James Cook University, Australia
Diving Qualifications
- GUE Rec1, Rec2 Instructor Evaluator (IE)
- GUE Fundamentals Instructor Trainer (IT)
- GUE Rec1, Rec2, Rec3, DPV1, doc Diver, Gas Blender, Fundamentals, Tech1 and Cave 1 Instructor
- Previous member of the GUE Training Council
- GUE Cave SideMount
- GUE Cave DPV
- GUE Cave 2
- GUE Tech 2
- GUE Doc Diver
- GUE Gas Blender
- EFR Instructor
Diving Experience
- 6000+ Dives in total (mostly cold water)
- 500+ dives using staged deco
- 1000+ cave dives (Mexico, US, Spain, Norway, France, and Hungary.
- 50+ mine dives Långban, Tuna, Sala Silvermine Sweden
- 200+ scooter dives Open water
- 200+ scooter dives Caves
- 50+ side mount dives Caves
- 50+ dives with tiger sharks
- 15+ hours wirth JJ CCR
- Photography dives & video dives
Community Involvement
- Active part in the diving community Oslo
- Board member NGDF - Norwegian Cave diving society
- Board member Oslofjord Triathlon
Special interests
- Photography
- Cartography - GIS
- Wrecks & Caves
- Marine Biology - Sharks
- Swimming, Triathlon, Biking, Skiing, Traveling
- - Contributor to Norwegian Diving Magazine
- - Book: Gjemte og glemte steder (Ronny Arnesen 2018)
Languages I teach classes in
- English
Additional languages
- Norwegian / Swedish
- English
Additional Info
Annika is a passionate diver and photographer, who has been diving since 1994. She has been a cave diver and technical diver since 2010.
She has 10 years of experience as a GUE instructor.
Enjoys all kind of underwater environments and is happily teaching others to enjoy them too.
Annika is based in Norway, Sweden and Mexico - and is also traveling to other locations for diving and classes.
Annika is a citizen of Norway, Sweden and a Mexican resident.