GUE Instructors

GUE utilizes meticulous care in the selection and training of their instructors; a thorough apprentice program together with a rigorous evaluation period help to insure the best quality representatives.

Instructor Training Programs

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GUE Instructor Trainers (IT) and Evaluators (IE) are tasked with developing and evaluating GUE instructors.


Alberto Nava
California, USA
Q.roo, Mexico
Bob Sherwood
Daniel Riordan (IE)
Quintana Roo / Baja California, Mexico
San Diego, USA
David Rhea (IE)
Douglas Mudry
Florida, USA
Edward Hayes
Glastonbury, CT., USA
Errol Kalayci
Boca Raton, USA
Key Largo, USA
Francesco Cameli
Los Angeles, Orange County, USA
Liguria, Italy
Guy Shockey (IE)
James Fraser
Seattle, USA
Jon Kieren
High Springs, Florida, USA
Tulum, Mexico
Kelly Colwell
Panama City, FL, USA
Kirill A. Egorov (IE)
Florida, USA
Moscow, Russia
Lauren M. Wilson
Florida, USA
Mark Messersmith (IE)
Max Philip Frenkel
South Florida, USA
Meredith Tanguay
Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, Midwest, USA
North/South Florida and Hawaii, USA
Michael Thornton
Utah, USA
Florida, USA
Ron Fancher
Alaska, USA
Sergio R Schirato
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Miami, USA
Steven Millington
Los Angeles, California, USA
All Locations In USA, USA
Tom Figueroa
Ventura County, California, USA
Los Angeles County, California, USA