DocCon 2015

DocCon 2015

by Maren Isigkeit & Jan Medenwaldt

From May 28th to 30th, one of Europe's biggest events for GUE divers took place in Croatia, near Pula hosted by Krnicadive. The challenge: teams have 48 hours to create a documentation of a wreck and afterwards present it in 20 minutes or less to a jury consisting of non-divers.

Altogether 80 divers of different levels of education from GUE Rec 1 to Fundamentals, Tech1, Tech2, and Rebreather came together, split up into 8 teams. Everybody brought their strengths, expertise, motivation and fun. So the teams were filming, surveying, taking pictures, even did extensive graphs, documented, combed through archives, interviewed contemporary witnesses and then ... collected the results to put them together to an entertaining presentation. From the work of the eight teams extensive documentations occurred, and even included 3D models, a complete website, movies, and several picture series of the different wrecks.

The winner of the Documentation Contest: Team "VISionaries" from Germany. Have fun watching their result!


Further info:
DocCon Website
DocCon Facebook
Team VISionares Facebook