GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Master Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
Deep Primer
Scientific Diver
Technical Diver 1
CCR Fundamentals
Henning May

- Member of Commission for Scientific Diving, Germany
- Since 2010 Diving Safety Officer at the German Oceanographic Museum
- 2008 - 2010 Scientist at the Cluster of Excellence “Future Ocean” in the Junior Research Group “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion” at Kiel University
- Master Geography at Kiel University, Subsidiary Subjects: Geology and Oceanography
Diving Qualifications
- Instructor: Scientific Diver, Fundamentals, Recreational Diver 3 and Technical Diver 1
- User: GUE Tech 2+, JJ CCR, Cave 1
- Scientific Diving Safety Officer
- European Scientific Diver
- DTSA Trimix Gasblender
Diving Experience
- > 1500 dives in cold water
- 800 + scientific dives
- > 400 project days as scientific diving safety officer
Community Involvement
- Diving Safety Officer of OZEANEUM Dive Team
Special interests
- Wreck Diving
- Scientific Diving with GUE Standards
- Working Underwater
- Surfing
- 2013: Expedition in die Tiefe. Tauchen, Nr. 12
- The Extraordinary Tasks of the OZEANEUM Dive Team. Quest, Vol. 14, No. 2.
- 2011: Tauchen im Dienste der Unterwasserwelt. Wetnotes Nr. 6
Additional languages
- German, English, basic Spanish
Additional Info
Will travel for teaching