GUE Instructor resumé
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Classes I teach:
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
- Operating Officer Halcyon Manufacturing Inc.
- Sales Director Halcyon Manufacturing Inc.
- Sales Director Santi USA
- Drysuit Repair Technician/Consultant Santi USA
- College
Diving Qualifications
- GUE Fundamentals Instructor
- GUE Cave 1 Intern
- GUE Tech 1 Intern
- Freediving Instructor Trainer
- Guide for Alachua Sink
- Guide for Black Lagoon (Hart Springs)
- Explorers Club Honorary Member
Diving Experience
- 8000+ Total Dives
- 4000+ Cave Dives
- 700+ Freedive Sessions
- Thousands of dives with Stage Cylinders
- Hundreds of dives with DPVS
- Thousands of dives with Sidemount Configuration
- Hundreds of hours with SCR and CCR
Community Involvement
- Explorers Club Member
- IUCRR Training Coordinator
- Freshwater Spring Cleanups
- Aquifer Quality Analysis
- Mentor-ship for local diving activities
- Guided Dives
Special interests
- Rock Climbing
- Freediving
- AT
- Underwater Photography
- Ice Diving
- Underwater Passages
- Quartely Cave Journal
Languages I teach classes in
- English
Additional languages
- English
Additional Info
Diving is an adventure, a calling, a dream come true.
Trained in Florida and the Pacific Northwest, with experience diving in Alaska and the Baltic Sea.