GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Scuba Diver
Open Water Diver
Advanced Open Water Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
Deep Primer
Navigation Primer
Rescue Primer
DPV Diver 1
Diving Qualifications
- Diver Ratings
- GUE Cave Sidemount Diver
- GUE Cave DPV Diver
- GUE Cave 2 Diver
- GUE Cave 1 Diver
- GUE Technical Diver 1
- GUE DPV Diver
- Technical Sidemount Diver
- Hypoxic Trimix CCR Diver
- CCR Cave
- Horizon SCR Diver
- Instructor Qualifications
- GUE Instructor
- SSI Technical Sidemount Instructor
- SSI Technical Extended Range Instructor
Diving Experience
- Number of Dives: 3000+
- Favorite Local Dive Site: USAT Liberty, Tulamben, Bali
- Favorite Cave: Kalimba, Tulum, Mexico
- Favorite Sealife: Hammerheads, Mantas, Sea Lions
- Favorite International Dive Site: Coco's Island, Costa Rica
Additional languages
- English
- Cantonese
- Mandarin
Additional Info
I still remember my very first dive, off the southern coast of Taiwan and how that one 45 minute experience changed my life. I enjoy diving in all of its forms, with each location and topograpy completely different in nature, requiring different approach, equipment, and technique.
My training philosphy is train hard, dive easy, but it's important not to forget that we should be having fun as a team while doing it!
Now based in Singapore, When I'm not teaching, I enjoy hanging out with the Bumphead Parrotfish in Tulamben, Bali, Admiring the sheer beauty of the Reefs of Raja Ampat, Swimming alongside Hammerhead Walls in Coco's Island, or diving the Caves of Mexico and Florida.