MCEP PRESS RELEASE - January 31st, 2009

MCEP PRESS RELEASE - January 31st, 2009

The Mexico Cave Exploration Project kicked off 2009 with a significant push forward in the ongoing exploration and documentation of the world’s longest underwater cave. Two small scale projects in the Ox Bel Ha cave system have revealed some of the most stunning passage and exciting finds to date.

Nearly 10 years ago, an amazing area of cave passages was discovered including two new Cenotes named Sac U and Sak Ek. Due to the difficult logistics in accessing this area, no subsequent dives had been made in this area….that is, until this year!

In January 2009, MCEP divers revisited this area, spending a total of 4 nights in the jungle and exploring and surveying 8,892 ft / 2,710 m of new cave passage. Nine dives were made entering from Sak U, Sak Ek and a nearby Cenote named Libby. For the first time, RB80 rebreathers were applied to the exploration of these relatively shallow and complex caves. In addition to extending the established main passages, a maze of decorated deeper tunnels was found intersecting these routes. Complementing the exploration and survey, photo documentation concentrated on some exciting archaeological discoveries.

Project divers included:
Alex Alvarez
Fred Devos
Chris Le Maillot
Sam Meacham
Daniel Riordan

These discoveries would not have been possible without the continued partnership with CINDAQ, Zero Gravity Dive Center, logistical assistance from Altournative and the continuous support from Global Underwater Explorers. Special thanks to Jose, Pedro and Melecio for their esteemed labors.

Detailed project reports will be forthcoming at