Tauchen mit GUE
Eine Mitgliedschaft ist nicht bedeutungsgleich mit einer GUE Brevetierung: Das eine ist keine Vorraussetzung für das andere, aber wir ermutigen Dich zu beidem! Unabhängig davon, ob Du ein neuer Schüler bist, der einfach seinen GUE Kurs geliebt hat oder zum ersten Mal von unserer Organisation erfährst; wir hoffen Du wirst bei uns auf dem Level ein Mitglied, wie es am besten zu Deinem Budget und Deinen Trainingszielen passt. Zum Dank für Deine Unterstützung kannst Du von vielen Vorteilen, inklusive Rabatte auf GUE Merchandise auf GUE.com, online Zugriff auf Ausbildungs- und Zusatzmaterial, Zugang zu GUE's vierteljährlicher Fachzeitschrift Quest und natürliche Kursregistrierung frei von Anmeldegebühren Gebrauch machen!
Wir ermutigen Dich dazu, Teil von GUE zu werden und gemeinsam mit uns, stets nach mehr zu streben.
Membership Levels
- A 5% discount on all GUE.com merchandise purchases.
- A 30% discount on a GUE.tv monthly subscription for 12 months, a $90 annual savings!
- An online subscription to Quest, GUE's full-color quarterly PDF magazine with wide-ranging articles from an international collection of diving, conservation, and exploration experts.
- Subscription to GUE's private mailing list, quest@gue.com, a moderated forum for GUE members that brings together top divers, environmentalists, and fitness experts from around the world.
- Access to GUE training supplements and procedural manuals, including the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Valve Manuals.
- In addition to the benefits listed above, your membership supports GUE’s conservation efforts, including Project Baseline.
Sign Up!
- A 10% discount on GUE.com merchandise purchases.
- An online subscription to Quest, GUE's full-color quarterly PDF magazine with wide-ranging articles from an international collection of diving, conservation, and exploration experts.
- A high-quality, annual member t-shirt featuring GUE’s “Commit to Excellence” motto.
- A set of 5 large and 5 small personalized GUE gear stickers.
- Member-exclusive GUE logo sport towel; quick-dry, compact, 80% recycled.
- A 50% discount on a GUE.tv monthly subscription for 12 months, a $150 annual savings!
- Access to all current GUE course presentation materials (PDF versions). Upgrade to Gold to access GUE’s library of software and PDF versions of the Fundamentals, Cave, and Tech manuals.
- Subscription to GUE's private mailing list, quest@gue.com, a moderated forum for GUE members that brings together top divers, environmentalists, and fitness experts from around the world.
- Access to GUE training supplements and procedural manuals, including the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Valve Manuals.
- In addition to the benefits listed above, your membership supports GUE’s conservation efforts, including Project Baseline.
Sign Up!
- A 15% discount on GUE.com merchandise purchases.
- An online subscription to Quest, GUE's full-color quarterly PDF magazine with wide-ranging articles from an international collection of diving, conservation, and exploration experts.
- A high-quality, annual member t-shirt featuring GUE’s “Commit to Excellence” motto.
- A set of 10 large and 10 small personalized GUE gear stickers.
- Member-exclusive GUE logo sport towel; quick-dry, compact, 80% recycled.
- Free access to a GUE.tv monthly subscription for 12 months, a $300 annual savings!
- Two free registration fees for GUE courses of your choice, a savings of up to $300!
- Access to all current GUE course presentation materials (PDF versions).
- Access to PDF versions of the Fundamentals, Cave, and Tech manuals.
- Extended 60-day trial of DecoPlanner 4, GUE's dive planning software, as well as a 50% discount on the purchase of a full license (any level).
- Subscription to GUE's private mailing list, quest@gue.com, a moderated forum for GUE members that brings together top divers, environmentalists, and fitness experts from around the world.
- Access to GUE training supplements and procedural manuals, including the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Valve Manuals.
- In addition to the benefits listed above, your membership supports GUE’s conservation efforts, including Project Baseline.
Sign Up!
- A 25% discount on GUE.com merchandise purchases.
- An online subscription to Quest, GUE's full-color quarterly PDF magazine with wide-ranging articles from an international collection of diving, conservation, and exploration experts.
- A high-quality, annual member t-shirt featuring GUE’s “Commit to Excellence” motto.
- A set of 20 large and 20 small personalized GUE gear stickers.
- Member-exclusive GUE logo sport towel; quick-dry, compact, 80% recycled.
- Free access to a GUE.tv monthly subscription for 12 months, a $300 annual savings!
- Free course registration fees for GUE courses of your choice for the duration of your membership.
- A personalized Platinum member jacket.
- One free registration to the GUE conference for each year of Platinum membership, transferable at your request.
- Access to all current GUE course presentation materials (PDF versions).
- Access to PDF versions of the Fundamentals, Cave, and Tech manuals.
- Free Unlimited license to DecoPlanner 4, GUE's dive planning software.
- Subscription to GUE's private mailing list, quest@gue.com, a moderated forum for GUE members that brings together top divers, environmentalists, and fitness experts from around the world.
- Access to GUE training supplements and procedural manuals, including the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Valve Manuals.
- In addition to the benefits listed above, your membership supports GUE’s conservation efforts, including Project Baseline.
Sign Up!
Weitere Wege GUE zu unterstützen
Wenn Du Dich fragst, wie Du helfen kannst, gibt es gleich mehrere Optionen!
Wenn Du es vorziehst, kannst Du eine Spende per PayPal schicken. PayPal stellt eine einfache Anwenderplatform bereit, die es sehr einfach macht, mit jeder geläufigen Kreditkarte oder verknüpftem Bankkonto Spenden zu schicken. Du musst für diese Art der Spende selbst kein PayPal Konto haben.
Du kannst diesen Link verwenden, um direkt für Project Baseline zu spenden. Schreibe dazu "Project Baseline" in das Feld für besondere Anweisungen, wenn Du obigen Link zur Spende per PayPal gefolgt bist.
Wir veranstalten regelmäßig Spendenkampagnen um diverse Forschritte und internationale Teams, die unsere Mission unterstützen, zu finanzieren.
Schaue auf unserem Blog oder unserer Facebook Seite vorbei, um aktuelle Nachrichten und Neuigkeiten zu unseren Spendenaufrufen zu erhalten.
Innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten: Da GUE eine a 501(c)(3) gemeinnützige Organisation ist, sind alle Spenden in den Vereinigten Staaten von der Steuer absetzbar. Jeder der eine entsprechende U.S. Steuererklärung ausfüllt, kann an GUE HQ mailen, um einen Beleg für die Spende zu erhalten.