Class details

Course Description: Cave Diver 1
Location: Plura - Royvik, Nordland, Norway
Date: June 5, 2025 - June 11, 2025
Instructor:Annika Persson
Applied/Registered: 0/0 (Please contact the instructor to verify any empty spots before paying the registration fee.)
Additional info:Tentative dates for Cave1 class in the northern Norway.

Please contact:

Please get in contact before registration to verify available spots.
Class will start. in Plura - please get in contact for more information,

Class is 7 days,

Students need to be a bit flexible in terms of logistics and environmental factors.

Students need to be solid cold water divers with an interest of doing a class in an unique setting. Water temp about 5-6 C.

To apply for this class, you first need to log in or create an account.