Standards and Procedures

GUE remains steadfast in their commitment to excellence and is motivated to evolve when it becomes evident certain techniques, procedures or equipment configurations have room for improvement. One of the most problematic aspects to a change in a standard or procedure is the loss of a standardized platform and the weight of previous divers now engaged in a procedure different from the one endorsed by the GUE community. To this end, GUE has designated this location for the archiving of such changes; this ensures that motivated divers can remain conversant with the latest GUE Standards and Procedures.

Téléchargement GUE Standards, Version 9.2, or view in browser.

Téléchargement GUE Standards Change Log

Téléchargement GUE Standards, Version 9.0 - Chinese

Up to the minute additions and changes to the Standards and Procedures, supplementary manuals, as well as documentation, are available to all GUE members on their Training Materials page, under the My Membership link on their My Account menu. If you are not currently a member and wish to enroll please click here.